14th September, 2018
The Queensland State Government has announced its Container Refund Scheme will commence 1st November 2018.
The Container Refund Scheme aims to encourage recycling and reduce plastic waste by giving people the incentive to collect and return containers. A 10c refund will be provided for eligible empty containers between 150ml and 3L in size that are returned to a designated container refund location.
There are several options that eligible containers can be returned as part of the container refund scheme including:
- Container refund points will be established across Queensland. At these locations a 10c refund will be provided for eligible empty containers.
- Container collection (donation) point. These points are likely to be operated by community organisations, groups, charities, or schools.
- Local government recycling services. Continue to recycle your containers using your yellow top kerbside bin. For those who do not have a kerbside service, you are able to take your containers to a local government collection facility.
A list of eligible containers has been released, which includes most aluminium, steel, glass, plastic and paperboard containers between 150ML and 3L.
The above link also includes several containers that are not eligible for a refund under the scheme.
These include:
- plain milk containers
- glass containers which have contained wine or pure spirits
- large containers (1L or more) which have contained flavoured milk, pure juice, cask wine or cask water
- cordial or vegetable juice containers
- sachets above 250ml which have contained wine
- registered health tonics.
All containers that are smaller than 150mL and bigger than 3L will not be eligible for a refund.
The Container Refund Scheme will be funded via a surcharge on beverage manufactures and will be run by not-for-profit group Container Exchange.
Further information on the Container Refund Scheme can be found here